And it will show you just how you can iron out differences with the person you love by clearing your mind, your heart, and your body of negative vibrations. Place it in the moonlight overnight to cleanse. If you feel as though people who dont have your best interests at heart surround you, Selenite can be a source of both comfort and confidence. It is excellent for removing any negative energy from you, and purging that which you do not wish to experience. Use a smudge stick and pass the crystal through the smoke. When youre experiencing mental confusion, place a Selenite on top of your head, and everything will immediately start making sense. By focusing on its power, you can begin to hear the guidance and protection of these heavenly beings singing to you. This works particularly well when you combine it with some Garnet. Selenite is a great stone for meditation, try placing selenite near your feet. You will need Selenite crystals when there are a lot of things going on in your head and its starting to affect your sense of peace and quiet. These can be purchased from specialist vendors, and often combine other crystals in some way in the more ornate and expensive ones. The crystals are said to look like flowers (hence the name) and are often found in clusters of hundreds of small crystals. Its a peaceful stone that creates deep calm. Satin Spar is the silky and fibrous variety of Gypsum that is abundant and commonly mislabeled as Selenite. The main areas for collecting are the USA, Mexico, Canada, Slovenia (Europe), Australia, and Brazil. Doing so will allow you to benefit from selenites healing properties throughout the night. Selenite helps you to relax and feel at peace. Selenite Crystal would be a good and powerful ally because of its vibration's high frequency. Selenite works well with Hematite by amplifying its protective properties even further and creating a very strong bubble of protection around you! Selenite crystal benefits you to find your divine energy by working with the crown chakra. Its calming properties makes it ideal for meditation and spiritual work. Because this stone is so versatile, it doesnt matter if you happen to wear it, accessorize with it or decorate your home with ornaments featuring it. Place Selenite towers, spheres, and hearts in the corners of your room, on the windowsill, on display shelves, and on the coffee table to enjoy the crystals beauty and enjoy its properties. If you find that you are easily distracted or find it difficult to concentrate on just one thing at a time, Selenite and its energies could be just the remedy. In as quickly as 15 minutes, you will feel the balance restored in your body. What Chakra is Selenite Good for? Larger pieces of Selenite can also be very helpful when it comes to physical healing. : Buy Online at Best Price in KSA - Souq is now Health SPIRIT WATER. She has a passion for helping people improve their health and wellbeing. Selenite is a wonderful crystal for clearing negativity in a space. It connects with the third eye chakra to allow self-reflection and improves visual perception. exposing your crystal to sun or moonlight for several hours. The combination of these two stones is highly beneficial, as they both greatly enhance each other resulting in amplified visualisation abilities. 1. She started her blog as a way to share her passion for healthy living with others and to provide practical tips and advice for those looking to improve their overall wellbeing. 3. So not only can Selenite help you to be more attractive to the right kinds of people. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Activates Higher Chakras. Its simply the crystals way of aligning energies and extending an open invitation for suitors to find out how wonderful you are! At times Selenite will be solid inside the Limestone without any cavities, other times it can be found in cavities, for example on a stalactite or stalagmite. Simply place the selenite in front of speakers and play sound bath recordings recordings that make use of rhythm and frequencies to influence the mind and body. For a Selenite crystal to do its work, you must also be willing enough to accept the changes that it will bring to your life! Selenite from sedimentary deposits is commonly found embedded in Limestone. This crystal is also considered an inorganic form of selenium, a mineral used for immune system disorders. It may work for you, but it may also not work for you. I enjoy using a selenite tower for this purpose. The vibrations that Selenite gives are more of a spiritual nature rather than a physical one. You can also place a Selenite crystal stone over your chest to breathe deeper and raise your energetic vibration. Selenite. A great way to cleanse Selenite (and any other type of crystal) is by smudging them with sage or Palo Santo . 2. Typically resembling a clear quartz, this stone is known for holding a sense of peace and serenity. After all, the world is such a hotbed of bustle and confusion nowadays. And this will endear you even more to your loved one. Cobalt Blue encourages joyous living by removing blockages that may be preventing you from achieving your goals in life. You may notice things that youve never noticed before, or start to pay attention to things that you normally wouldnt. Selenite can help you stabilize your emotions and feel calm. Where should you place selenite though? This crystal has inherent feminine energy and properties, so it helps to balance Taureans out. It also stimulates mental clarity, promoting creative thought processes, problem-solving skills and insights. The ancients believed that the energy of certain translucent stones, such as selenite, waxed and waned with the moon. This color is relatively rare in comparison to the other colors on this list, and often comes in more delicate clusters. Place a wand on your heart pointing to your third eye. Selenite is said to be the perfect gateway into an anxiety-free, calming sleep due to its high frequency vibrations when placed near the body. Selenite promotes good business practices and inspires honesty in business and professional relationships. The selenite crystal is oftentimes referred to as "liquid light". Place the selenite tower on the painful area for about 30 minutes. Lastly, it is essential to know that you should not use selenite damaged by water or saltwater, as the stone no longer has its beneficial properties. Selenite will work alongside Celestite, strengthening its ability to raise vibration even further and remove negativity from your life. It has the unique property of fluorescing under ultraviolet light. If you want to have a shot at lasting happiness, now is the time for being honest to yourself and each other. Alternatively, the selenite can be placed in a singing bowl or bell to initiate a sound bathing process. Energies from Selenite can help melt away strong and overwhelming emotions. It helps to dispel all negative energy from the body and mind, and thus brings calming energies, deep peace and mental clarity. Selenite crystals shield you from outside influences through evoking protection from the angelic realm. Simply put the crystal in the room and allow some time for the healing properties to take effect. This Cobalt Blue variety of Chalcedony has a strong protective energy which deflects bad energies outwards and dissolves negative situations. Place your crystal under direct sunlight for a maximum of 30 minutes. Gentle massage with selenite (without oil) can ease pain and inflammation in the body. Selenite crystal stones can also help you when it comes to releasing anxiety or anger or any other form of negativity that might be holding you back from improving your life. Place your crystal in a bowl of dry salt. Selenite stones can also be placed on your windowsill to keep bad spirits and elements away. Urine: THC from edibles can be detected in a , Pumpkin seeds are rich in nutrients known to support weight loss, such as fiber, protein, and unsaturated fatty acids. Use a singing bowl or bell to create cleansing sound vibrations. It absorbs any negative energy thats directed at you, and transfers this bad energy into positive chi. Selenite's healing energies can reduce pain, soreness, or blockages in your body by placing it on the affected body part for 30 minutes. It increases immunity, takes part in antioxidant activity, defends against free radical damage and inflammation, and plays a key role in maintaining a healthy metabolism.. Mindfulness-based clinical interventions such as Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) typically recommend practicing meditation for 40-45 minutes per day. Popular choices include ruby, clear quartz, apophyllite, kyanite, selenite, and carnelian. And they can also magnify the energies of anything that is placed on top of them, making them a powerful energy amplifier of your other healing crystals. Having it in your possession can help you better understand your connection to the universe. You will feel better right away. * Sodium Selenite may cause mutations. By and large, there is no right or wrong way to let Selenites energies cleanse and heal you and those whom you love. And in case you didnt know yet: you can use Selenite crystals to awaken or strengthen your telepathic abilities. Selenite. Since Selenite magnifies the energy of the stones associated with it, it is perfect to pair with Amethyst, especially in meditation sessions, for spiritual growth, physical comfort, and enhanced intuition. Your days of wondering when you will finally find love will soon be over. Clear quartz resonates with all the chakras while releasing any blockages in the energetic body. So take some time and explore to find your perfect crystal and remember to like and share any content that you feel a connection with. But when you are fueled by the energies of Selenite, keeping a relationship going will no longer be a burden. It acts just like a liquid light, shining from this world to the higher realms and vice versa. ; Selenite, a satin spar, desert rose, or gypsum flower, is four crystal structural variants of the mineral gypsum. It is also found alongside gypsum, vesicles, and speleothems; all of these minerals are formed from various types of solutions and water. Gold selenite is highly prized for its' intense healing benefits that work on the whole body. Selenite is a crystalline form of gypsum that usually appears as an opaque, colorful stone. Heather Askinosie, the co-founder of Energy Muse Jewelry, told Mind Body Green that for this reason, selenite is great to put in the windowsills of your home. Known as the goddess stone Named after the Greek goddess of the moon; Good for shifting energy blocks; With a coloring as pale as the flutter of angel wings, the Selenite Stone is awash in otherworldly wonder. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. 2. You dont need to worry about filling your already busy day with lots of complicated cleansing work. What foods is high in nitric oxide? Its a wonderful tool of enlightenment when it comes to your life, your spirit, and all the things and people that you interact within this world. By placing a Selenite crystal upon your forehead, you can feel the energy of your guardian angels coming down upon you. If you want to purchase Selenite in bulk, expect lower prices for greater quantities. Hematite: contains iron and will rust when submerged. This makes it useful for crystals new to you, as well as those that you have been working with for some time. We use selenite rods in our meditation practice, as calming - and . Can creatine cause irregular heartbeat? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Your bedroom to bring peace and tranquillity to your sleep. They also work to get rid of negative energies from a room and promote inner peace and mental clarity. Saliva: Edibles can be detected in saliva for 1 to 3 days. placing Selenite in the moonlight when there is a Full Moon. Place a piece of selenite in the four corners of your home to start a protective grid and circuit of positive energy flow in your space. It will increase the vibration of any stone or mineral that it is combined with, as well as enhancing their healing properties and supercharging them for your specific intent. If you have concerns about your physical or mental health then you should immediately contact a qualified medical professional. This crystal is famous for its ability to absorb and diffuse negative energy, protecting one from emotional stress and also shielding them from curses. Pectolite: Meanings, Properties and Powers, Amethyst: Meaning, Healing Properties and Powers. This crystal has exceptional protective properties; it deflects negative energy outwards (such as that emitted by Black Tourmaline) while strengthening your immune system so you are less susceptible to illness or disease. And its really no surprise that Selenite is used in healing in holistic treatments. It can remove blockages in your energy fields and rid your body of dysfunctional energies. Clearing the auric field. Selenite resembles the body's skeletal structure, making it a good stone to aid in spinal injuries, promoting overall flexibility, and correcting the . This helps to draw your focus and attention to the here and now. Place selenite in the bedroom to promote relaxation, restful sleep and clear mental clutter. Brushing selenite through your aura on a daily basis will help prevent any emotional from building up in your aura. Placing a selenite crystal in your home office can reduce the effect of these energies, while turning negativity into positive feelings. Place your crystal in a bowl of dry salt. Last on our list of the best crystal combinations for Selenite is Iolite. You can place a raw selenite crystal on your bedside table, chest of drawers, or even under your bed. Because of its abilities, it is perfect for groups to improve team spirit and productivity. If you decide to purchase Selenite stones, they will work for you in protecting your space from external influences and lower vibrational energies. Selenite stones are available at various prices. Selenite is full of divine feminine energy. Use sound vibrations from a singing bowl or bell. And if this article helped you, please share it to help spread love and light in our world . Place it in moonlight overnight. Place selenite on your chakras (energy centers) during a chakra balancing session.5. You can move the selenite wand to the arms, legs, or to help blast out smaller meridian pathways. Love can be a difficult and finicky road, fraught with uncertainty and tender feelings, both good and bad. On the Mohs scale of hardness, Selenite ranks a 2 out of 10. By connecting Selenite to the work we do around our crown chakra, we can wash away impurities of the mind. Selenite forms crystals and these can vary quite a lot in shape and size; they are sometimes parallel to one another or tessellate with other Selenites. As well as seemingly making you a bit more radiant in discreet but profound ways that capture attention. They also . Please remember, although the powers of crystals and stones are well documented and have been proven to help bring positivity into peoples lives they are never a substitute for medical advice. Selenite brings protection, harmony, and soul healing to any bearer and area. The energies that you can receive from Selenite crystals are very helpful in stabilizing erratic emotions. In fact, with the right approach, Selenite can more or less maintain itself. . There are many potential places to put selenite, but my favourites are: Do you have any questions about placing selenite in your home? Sandra Hearth is the creator and writer behind "Wellbeing Port", a blog dedicated to promoting healthy living and personal wellness. Having these crystals hang from the ears as you go about your day means they have ample opportunity to balance and work with these energetic hubs, even when you are not . 2. For these reasons, selenite is the perfect crystal to add to your meditation space. This crystal is clearing out your crown chakra, producing a calm stillness of pure light for the angels to come in and speak with you. Aside from its attractive appearance, a selenite bowl will cleanse your crystal rings of negative energy. What is selenium used for? Keep reading to find out. You can place Selenite anywhere in your house that you want to have clear and pure energy. And it will make you feel grateful and blessed that you have a love so strong and true. Black Obsidian for releasing trauma. You can place selenite in the communal areas of your home, such as your living room and/or kitchen, in order to cleanse any negative energy that enters your space. Selenite lamps are large pieces with a hollow interior. The Salt Plains in northern Oklahoma are the only place in the world to produce the unique "hourglass" selenite. Its a relatively soft stone compared to other crystals, and as such it reminds women (and men too, of course) to be soft with our bodies while they are carrying out their precious, sacred functions. You will feel a . Selenite is a powerful yet gentle healer. Kyanite can be used to protect against geopathic stress, electromagnetic pollution, environmental toxins and dangerous pathogens. Creatine. Both Cobalt Blue and Selenite work together to raise ones vibration, encouraging them to be more present in the here and now. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Dissolve a small piece of orange selenite into water and spray the mix around your body with a mist sprayer. Are pumpkin seeds good for you calories? Selenite works to bring a sense of peace and balance to your mind before bed by getting rid of all negative energy from your everyday life. 4. You realize you dont need a dark room and scented candles. Selenites vibration is amplified by Jade, which raises ones higher consciousness to even greater heights! Selenite helps you keep a loving relationship. It forms hexagonal crystals which tessellate with other selenite crystals, and sometimes parallel to one another. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Corns, calluses, sores or warts. When you have all these things going for you, it will be easy to succeed in any project or endeavor! Selenite's name literally translates to "stone of the moon" or "moonstone.". Gypsum flowers can sometimes be found in abundance within salt lake deposits or hot springs, for example, the Great Salt Lake of Utah. This healing stone is also an activator of the soul star chakra, the path to your spiritual growth. After charging under the light of a full moon, we can set other stones and crystals on top of Selenite and its auric field. It is a crystallized form of gypsum created from evaporated saline water. On your window sills. Selenite enhances team spirit in groups and organizations. Theres no doubt that Selenite is one of the most powerful clearing and healing stones in the world. and Where Should You Place Clear Quartz? (Just be cautious as some crystals like selenite disintegrate in water.) Caring for your selenite wands Towers are wonderful for cleansing the aura of unwanted energy, and they also provide a protective screen against negativity. Selenite comes in a variety of shapes, including worry stones, pyramids, plates, towers, wands, and hourglasses. Selenite will infuse your life with love. Here you'll find all collections you've created before. Selenite crystals can help remove blockages in your body. So its a must-have in everyones jewelry box, home, office, place of business, or sacred corner. It supercharges the immune system, keeping you safe from infections and viral diseases. As selenite is a cleansing stone with a peaceful energy, there are certain areas of the home that may benefit from its healing properties more than others. But a Selenite crystal that has lost its luster will be less effective in transmitting its energies to you and those around you. Although it sharpens your mind, Selenite also helps to make sure that you dont fall victim to overthinking something we all do from time to time. All selenite shapes are effective at releasing stagnant or negative energy, so feel free to choose whichever matches your homes dcor. If you're going to bring one crystal ally into the bedroom, make it Selenite. As lamps are such striking items, its a good idea to put them in a living room or somewhere else you spend a lot of time. Place a selenite crystal on the nightstand, and before . Selenite is a powerful stone that absorbs negativity, cleanses other crystals, and amplifies positive energy. In adults, the thyroid has the highest concentration of selenium in the body. . It is hard, sharp, and often destructive, yet an essential element in all lives to find our way without being a victim of others. Yet, often it can be as simple as sitting with your stone held in your hands and willing the energies of the universe and of the Spirit to cleanse and revitalize it for you. But selenite can cleanse other crystals when you place them close to it. In doing so, Selenite reminds us to stay open, clear, and pure. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Selenite crystals have an important place in many cultures around the world. Like when properly using Amazonite, you can also use Selenite for angel guidance, and to work with your spirit guides! But a Selenite crystal can help to anchor you to the things that most require your attention. Its a wonderful stone to place on the heart chakra during meditation or healing work, as it helps you connect with your higher self. Selenite deposits can be found in the United States, Russia, Mexico, France, Poland, Germany, Austria, Greece, and England. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Grab a piece of selenite, its better to use a selenite wand if you have one and slowly brush it down your body from head to your feet about while keeping the selenite about 1-2 inches away from your body. Place selenite on the lower abdomen during sleep to enhance fertility. For meditation, we suggest holding one Selenite Harmonizer in each hand to bring balance to both sides of the body. Selenite can help you promote your overall well-being, and that includes your physical body as you find ways to help it. Amazonite: contains copper which is toxic. You can place a cluster of Black Tourmaline within or on top of your Selenite grid and re-energise it regularly. This is because they were known to be used exclusively for making windows that allowed one to see the moon at night. To do this it is very simple. While all shapes have the same basic healing properties, such as boosting intuition and clearing negative energy, some work best for specific uses. It gives you strong instincts over time and is the perfect companion when you are doing your meditation. Your meditation space (if you have one) to help with relaxation and opening the Crown Chakra. Improve Sleep By Placing Selenite in Your Bedroom. Amethyst. Towers are less focused than wands, but radiate a wider cleansing radius. Fibrous thin, elongated fractures produced by crystal forms or intersecting cleavages (e.g. Perfect crystal for gridding the home or property. And, simply wearing or displaying Selenite has so much aesthetic appeal in its own right, that its certain to beautify either the home its placed in or the wearer of jewelry with it in in the most delightful ways. These can be tough questions, especially when both emotions and tensions are boiling hot. Selenite is one of the more low maintenance stones. Selenite brings calm and peace to any room, making it a soothing crystal for your bedroom. In relationships and situations that require peace restoration, this is the best crystal . Its also a good stone to have with you to protect you from any form of psychic attack. According to studies, consuming foods with selenium such as Brazil nuts, eggs, liver, tuna, cod and sunflower seeds . Selenite works in perfect harmony with Black Tourmaline by strengthening its protective properties even further. How best to resolve this issue calmly, kindly, and even with a sense of humor that doesnt belittle those involved? Selenites angelic resonance is perfect for this, as it can turn negative energy into positive vibes. It helps to clear out places of stagnation and lack of flow in that area. Thanks to the strong links between it and your rational side. Muscle imbalances. It gives off a fresh lovely natural scent of pine, mint and . We can use Selenites energy whenever we need a reminder of our potential or destiny. Nitric oxide is a gas we make , Blood: THC from edibles can be detected for 3 to 4 days in blood. A blue stone of tranquillity, Larimar will help you clear your mind and achieve a state of inner peace. has been designed to be the definitive resource for all things related to crystals. Even when things are hard, and even when it hurts. The primary metaphysical properties of a Selenite crystal stone include: A Selenite crystal is a type of Quartz. 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