Her lecture series focused on children born and/or raised in cultic groups with a special focus on issues of human rights. It is the oldest group of its kind in the world. And you actually go through a conversation between two Scientologists that, to people outside, would be completely unintelligible. Step 3: Complete relevent training/internship. He is currently involved in a project aimed at high schools in Sweden together with a professional magician with the purpose of educating and vaccinating teenagers against manipulation. This can take the form of other, related work experience, or it can take the form of a structured internship or other formal hands-on learning. She has many years experience working with trauma, including survivors of spiritual and cult abuse, and sexual abuse. In addition, though the term has several precise definitionsthe word cult is ambiguous. Lorna has published numerous articles about her therapeutic work with former cult members in professional journals, most recently: Goldberg, L. (2012). MeadowHaven can accommodate individuals or families who require long-term (up to a year) care to recover from trauma and cultic abuse. Heather Svoboda, MA LP, is a psychologist licensed and practicing in Minnesota, trained in counseling psychology and marriage and family therapy. Ashlen can be contacted at ashlen.hilliard.wordpress@gmail.com or via Linkedin:linkedin.com/in/ashlen-hilliard/. To further her understanding of her life experiences and develop a career using these invaluable life learnings Linda began her journey towards becoming a Mental Health Clinical Counselor. She co-authored a book with personal stories, and a book about Influence for students Sect disease (edited by Hkan Jrv). Rick Alan Ross runs the Cult Education Institute, a non-profit organization located in Trenton, New Jersey. Important: cult-related counseling is an unregulated field.The term cult expert is not protected. Experience: Another important aspect of obtaining a job as a cybersecurity specialist is demonstrating relevant experience. Again, we recommend that you begin your research at the International Cultic Studies Association. Ms. Eisenberg has completed training in both child psychoanalytic psychotherapy and Gestalt therapy. Rod is a Social Psychologist who has been researching the psychology and aetiology of undue influence and cults or extremist groups for over twenty years, and he has developed the Totalistic Identity Theory as an evidence-based theory to explain and tackle ideological extremism and ideologically driven violence. She is a Fellow and founding member (1972) of the Pennsylvania Society for Clinical Social Work. He also consults with law enforcement regarding destructive groups, and gives expert witness testimony. They are frequent presenters at ICSA conferences. For many years she has given lectures about influence and manipulation, also at the University of Stockholm. She has presented on this theme nationally and internationally, including presentation to the Minister of Social Services and a government delegation in Israel in 2012. Some work only with referrals from other experts in the field. 3. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area. Much of his work involves counseling, leading support groups, working with those born or raised in groups, and helping former members rebuild their lives. 302.598.1330 (Cell) 409 Nottingham Road Encourage dialogue and exchanges between other groups. Choose the right SEO Training. The next day, many supporters stormed the Capitol, temporarily stopping Congress from certifying the 2020 election. It is not therapy or counseling. Former Scientologist and now a licensed psychologist in Sweden. She has presented at national and international conferences in Madrid, Poland, Canada, and in Australia, where she helped organize two conferences in Brisbane. www.dallascult.com; (214) 607-1065, Cyndi Matthews, PhD, LPC-S, NCC is an experienced counseling clinician working in private practice and a counseling professor at the University of North Texas-Dallas. I do not ask for a fee for initial calls, which may involve a discussion about counselling and training, signposting or just provide a listening ear. Other terms you may hear are: high-demand groups, LGATs, intentional communities. Gillies doctoral research investigated what helps former members recover and her dissertation is entitled: Freeing the authentic-self: Phases of Recovery and Growth from an Abusive Cult Experience. He is also co-editor of ICSAs Cult Recovery: A Clinicians Guide to Working With Former Members and Their Families, which is due to be published in 2017. Cultic relationships are not limited to marriages or domestic partnerships, but can also occur in situations where one person is in a position of power and the other is not. Make sure the expert you are evaluating is such a professional themselves not just someone working with (or referring to) a licensed counselor. Robert Pardon, MDiv, ThM, is the Executive Director of the New England Institute of Religious Research (NEIRR) and MeadowHaven. Freedom From Coercive Control in High Demand Groups and Relationships (2019). Likewise, the term sect often used in Europe instead of the word cult is controversial for the same reasons. This is when adulthood was finally reached after many difficult experiences including exploitation by a trusted college professormore opportunity for empowering growth and change. Bill has published numerous articles in books and professional journals, and he is one of the editors of a soon to be published book, sponsored by ICSA, which will focus on clinical work with former cult members. Note: Many experts on cults do not refer to themselves as cult experts. Only post-nominal letters indicate that the person has a position, academic degree, accreditation, etc. Lay experts exist in every field from plumbers and carpenters to auto repair and medical care. She is a Board Certified Diplomate (BCD) of the American Board of Examiners in Clinical Social Work. This can give him or her a different perspective on the group and its leaders. In 2007, Bill retired from the Rockland County, NY Department of Mental Health, where he directed several programs and clinics. She visited the congregation, talked to leaders and former members and the police. 8. It's often suggested that cult leaders use brainwashing tactics to attract and keep followers . Rachel Bernstein is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, as well as an educator. Members come from a wide variety of backgrounds. Ensure accurate security tools are running properly, including anti-virus software and firewalls. If you are in an abusive relationship or know someone who is be sure to seek the help of a licensed counselor. He is also an active researcher in a variety of other areas including organizational behaviour and healthiness, the social psychology of identity and prejudice, and public policy and education. Since retiring to Fremont, Nebraska in 2004, she opened a counseling practice and is working with people who have exited cults. Such groups may be manipulative cults, cult-like social movements, abusive churches, or even destructive personal relationships. A few dont. Rick Alan Ross (b. Colleen is a former member of two high demand groups. In recent years the word cult has been most commonly used as a pejorative term for a religious group that falls outside the mainstream and, by implication, engages in . Stephen is also the author of four books, including Combating Cult Mind Control, and his latest The Cult of Trump. They're masters at expressing their feelings and making their followers relate to them. Wendy co-facilitates a monthly support group for former members of cults in the Dallas metroplex. Cult leaders tend to be highly charismatic. If you include the normal education requirements to complete a college degree, then it takes 7 to 9 years years to become a specialist. Many families have become divided over online political conspiracy theories, but the science on "brainwashing" is weak. After working on their cult recovery issues by reading all the available cult literature, attending conferences, and becoming involved with ICSA, Doug and Wendy started a ministry to increase the awareness and understanding of cults. She believes recovery from cultic groups requires the exercise of free speech, through which former members take the narrative back, reclaim their voices and thus, their identities. Additional specialties include dialectical behavioral therapy skills groups; early childhood mental health and treatment; child centered, nondirective play therapy; and (most recently) EMDR. An isolated farm in the middle of Idaho is good but if such a retreat isn . At Cult, we want to give our members the best workout experience and, therefore, having the best trainers is a no-brainer. What is a Licensed Professional Counselor? [The term has different meanings depending on the perspective]. Credentialing Specialist salaries vary by experience, industry, organization size, and geography. Based on her scholarship and clinical expertise she has researched and developed theory for counseling with former second generation adult (SGA) cult recovery survivors. Once you have the essential skills and educational background, it's time to apply for an entry-level position in IT support. As is the case inany other profession, thisfield of work has its share of charlatans, angry loners, self-proclaimed experts, and the like. To think again is my private practice counselling, consultation and training service. Also used by pastors and counselors, as well as writers, journalists, and reporters. Cult Intervention is defined as an educational process utilizing a professional consultant. Those applicants who become certified by the AIHCP in Crisis Intervention Counseling may use the initials/credential CIC-CSp., after their names: "Crisis Intervention Counselor-Certified Specialist" Timeline. Watch short videos about #cultspecialist on TikTok. Rachel Bernstein, LMFT, MSEd Marriage and Family Therapist, Rosanne Henry, L.P.C. Top: Trump supporters hold a QAnon sign at a rally on Jan 5, 2021. Image source. Patrick Ryanis a graduate of Maharishi International University. Some cult observers market themselves with great titles. Since 1992, she has been Associate Director of the New England Institute of Religious Research (NEIRR) and MeadowHaven, where she has worked with former cult members, including some who have experienced profound trauma. She is also co-editor of ICSAs Cult Recovery: A Clinicians Guide to Working With Former Members and Their Families, which is due to be published in 2017. There is no such thing as a professional cultural expert license. In 2004 one person was killed and one was injured in the small congregation Knutby in Sweden. Rosanne Henry, MA, LPC, is a psychotherapist practicing in Littleton, Colorado. Stay informed about SEO changes. Remember that it is one thing to be considered an expert by reporters and personalities, and another to be accepted as such by professionals and lay peers. If you're the one forming the cult, it's likely that you're the leader, but you need to make sure that your cult is organized for good purposes, not for your own material gain, or purposes of power grabbing. After years of working hard to save the world, she became disillusioned and, after several attempts, in 1992 she successfully escaped this destructive group by running away. Lorna joined ICSAs Board of Directors in November 2003. The first four books listed here are especially recommended. info@NewMilfordCounseling.com On their channels, you can find videos of them speaking at seminars and conferences. Others do not provide intervention or counseling services, but rather engage in academic research. Harder to spot: one cult specialist with a knack of self promotion tends to talk in soundbites generally communicating basic information that did not originate with himself. Step 5: Prepare your resume. Website: marymoorelcsw.com, Esther Ruth Friedman, MA, LMHC, is an expressive arts therapist and licensed mental health counselor with a Masters Degree from Lesley University. As mentioned earlier, when researching cults it is necessary to understandthedifferences between theological and sociological definitionsof the term cult.. Note that some self-proclaimed cult experts have a bias for or against one or more religions.3. He enrolled in a masters program in counseling and earned a degree and license to practice therapy. 302.368.9136 (Office) Dylesia Barner, LCSW, is a licensed clinical social worker and a second-generation adult survivor. We are constantly on the lookout for the best talent especially those . I am a fully qualified counsellor and teacher and have a specialist masters degree in the psychology of coercive and controlling behaviour and recovery. She began researching cults and thought reform and lectured in local high schools, churches and civic organizations. Certain sites and their operators have even been known to actively whitewash groups that are widely considered cults. Among others there are cult experts (think,the good, the bad, and the ugly), cult members, and former cult members. Helena Lfgren is a licensed psychotherapist, former member of the Unification church (1990-1992), member of the support group FRI, co-founder of the former Swedish support group SESAM, and co-founder of an informal network in Sweden for people who meet members or former members of high demand groups in their work. She has presented at multiple ICSA conferences and webinars on a variety of topics, interviewed on several podcasts, as well as published an article forICSA Today10.2 / 2019on, The Genesis, Text, and Implications of Utah House Bill 214: Office for Victims of Crime Amendments. 5, No. Mary Moore is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker currently practicing in Maryland. To Create Your Very Own Cult. What is their religious affiliation or perspective, if any? International Journal of Cultic Studies, (Vol.2), 33-43. We do not receive any form of compensation for these listings.For obvious reasons we have chosen not to include individuals who have developed a negative reputation in the field. Cult Experts, Consultants, Specialists, Et Cetera, Buyer Beware: Term 'Cult Expert' Not Protected, International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA), What to Watch for When Selecting a Cult Expert, Understand that cult experts operate from various perspectives, Cult research organizations, discernment ministries, and individuals, Domestic Violence, Human Trafficking, One-on-One Cults. 10 Steps to Become an SEO Expert. It does not necessarily follow that a cult expert without formal counseling training cannot be effective. First, a few comments regarding this list: Note: This list is not exhaustive. Saggi sui Bambini di Dio, the Family (only Italian) [Compelled to love- Essays on the Children of God-The Family], and many other articles. Rachel has also done many YouTube videos and has been interviewed on other peoples YouTube channels regarding cults, undue influence, and narcissistic abuse. 1952) is an American deprogrammer, cult specialist, and founder and executive director of the nonprofit Cult Education Institute. 2Among cult experts you can encounter: Licensed Professional Mental Health Counselors, Loose Cannons, Rogues, Charlatans, et cetera. He is a licensed and Board-certified counseling psychologist whose involvement in cultic studies began with a participant-observation study of Unification Church training in their Eastern seminary (in Barrytown, NY) in the spring of 1975. Here are the steps for how to become a network specialist: 1. Create Dialogue Mechanisms. He offers psychotherapy to former members of cults and is also employed as a consultant by the help organization for former cult members in Sweden, Hjlpkllan, to train their nationwide network of volunteer workers. Steer clear of sensationalist true crime-type books. What you want to do is create an aura of mystery for your cult. Jose Fernndez has a Degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona and is credited as a Psychologist and Psychotherapist by the EFPA (European Federation of Psychologists Associations). Rule #6: Be Open, Inviting and Inclusive. In turn, she has helped others using the insights and tools gleaned, including family members of current members, active members who have reached out for help exiting, and former members who needed support while transitioning back into their lives. She is the Mental Health Editor for ICSA Today. And number two: "Maintain your relationship with that person no matter what." They may use pompous-sounding company names, apparently intended to disguise the fact that their educational institute is essentially a one-person affair. The term cult comes from the Latin word cultus, which means to worship a deity, but in the last few centuries its colloquial definition has transformed.In a 1981 edition of the Harvard Mental Health Letter, psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton defined three characteristics of a . It takes 4 years of professional experience to become a specialist. The group, which drew on communist teachings, isolated her from her family and made her feel guilty for her privileged upbringing. Cult intervention should never include hypnosis or other manipulative methods of persuasion and suggestion, which are techniques often associated with destructive cults, groups and/or leaders. www.dreichel.com. Lorna Goldberg, LCSW, PsyA, Board member and past president of ICSA, is a clinical social worker and psychoanalyst in private practice and Director, Institute for Psychoanalytic Studies. In 1999, he received the John G. Clark Award for Distinguished Scholarship and Cultic Studies from the International Cultic Studies Association, and he has been involved in research with former cult members since 1993. Most cult experts themselves no longer use the terminology of deprogramming because of the controversies surrounding this intervention process. www.dallascult.com; (214) 607-1065. Their social skills are above par, and they tend to have a good sense of humor. Is defined as an educator lectured in local high schools, churches civic... Often suggested that cult leaders use brainwashing tactics to attract and keep followers to attract and keep.. Groups may be manipulative cults, cult-like Social movements, abusive churches, or even personal... The nonprofit cult Education Institute is be sure to seek the help of licensed. An unregulated field.The term cult expert without formal counseling training can not be effective ). 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