Guess the last laugh is really on them. What a joke $$$$ all that money spent and these idiots , that is all you can do? I was trying to find out about tv shows back in the 60s & 70s & cant seem to find an answer. Youre shelling out good money for the dubious privilege of being treated like a mindless consumer. Better yet watch Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, or any of the other pay services. To many commercials.across the board no matter what channel you are watching. (+1) 202-857-8562 | Fax pharmaceutical, insurance and automobile are the worst With pharmaceutical being number one. Those drug commercials are eye-opening. Action must be taken for all these legitimate complaints. Our obsession with money is at a disgusting level. But it is so not worth the huge fees. About 64 million of its 210 million people are between the ages of 18 and 35. So now I stream ad-free movies and shows for far less money, and am much more satisfied for it. Bastards, TV commercials are what the mute button is for. Have a great one looks like a good day for a ride. But There was one thing you forgot to mention the amount of time they took up by saying and coming up while showing a preview of what we were about to see at least 3 to 4 times each. REMEMBER THIS IS THE UNITED MESSAGE THEY DO NOT WANT TO HEAR FROM US OR SEE ON ANY OF THESE COMPLAINT BLOGS. Maybe theyre on a lot more, but we just cant watch all the channels at once. If you watch a movie look up how long the movie is then look on the cable listing on how long its time slot is and youll see that up to 35% of the time is commercials not worth watching it really is getting bad. In the past month, I have actually enjoyed only 3 commercials out of hundreds. Dish is adamant (rightly so I hope) that the BETAMAX case that went to the Supreme Court years ago settled the time-shifting of recorded material for the sole purpose of non commercial (not for hire or re-braodcast) use by the consumer was not an infringement on the copyright of the broadcasters nor their TV ad subsidized commercials. Im fed up with interruptions in flow of programs with sooo many commercials, soIm recording and watching 1hour later fast fwd thru commercials or the next day. I am trying to watch Forensic Files and just when they are getting to a juicy part commercials come on between 5 and 8 at at time. The cable or sattlelite networks thinks that no one will ever do anything significant for them to worry. our shows.. Stop watching TV or rent movies. It is also home to one of the largest youth populations in the world with a median age of only 18. AARPs rival AMAC spends its money actually working on behalf of senior citizensnot wasting multiple millions on dishonest ads wooing unaware seniors to part with their money by joining AARP. Thank you for confirming what has been driving me to a version of road rage as I watch David Muir. I watch CNN frequently and as often as not when I turn it on what comes on is a COMMERCIAL. In this insanely capitalistic nation, meaningful legislation to ease this torture is highly unlikely. Now my rooms are clean, my laundry is ready to fold or hang during the next set of commercials. On Location: February 24, 2023. The license to operate over the public airways comes with responsibilities-it was never meant to be Additionally, I find that very often, time is cut from the movie or program to make space for even more commercials! Fight the good fight, tell the Networks and Madison Ave. to piss off! I have two collector cars I tinker with. 38 minutes before ABC news broke the story about Epstein's death it was already being reported on the infamous website 4chan.After learning of the post a review was conducted by the FDNY and they concluded none of their employees were behind the post on 4chan.9 months later and the mystery of who made that post is still alive and well.On . I think thats the network. Now you need a box so Comcast and like companies can not only control content but quality and up-charge for both. This makes both sad and scary reading to me A sign of the times.. We have had a DVR for 10 years or so. To whom should we forward our requests for relief from excessive TV advertising? Increase in commercials? BENNINGTON A Massachusetts man convicted last July of sexually assaulting a minor after climbing into her window with a deadly weapon was handed a five-years-to-life prison sentence in a Bennington courthouse Tuesday. We go to the least expensive product that has the safest ingredients. Some of the actors had only their names listed (you actually saw them on the screen, but had no idea who they were) . Yes, we have optionsshut the box off! Love the podcast when released on the same day however, usually this newscast is late and by a few days so it becomes somewhat irrelevant. . The 16 to 18 commercials that followed were 15 to 75 seconds long and most of them were for health-care products and services. Get the latest news stories and headlines from around the world. I turn off the sound and get up and do something around the house during the times (at the end of the hour) when there are the most commercials between shows. AND SO DO THEY , fucx corporate CHINA now the usa suks ass big time, CORPORATE FUCKIN DAILY FUCK THESE GREED MONGERS kick their stupid ass to curb ,GOD will sort these FAGGOTS OUT and be judged,,,,,, COCKSUCKERS. It got to the point and was so frustrating by when they actually showed what the preview was it was basically the exact same thing as the preview was, with just a few seconds extra. Some of the programmes are mind-numbing so I try to avoid those! The underlying event is not really newsworthy. And, despite what you might think, there is most definitely a Law of Synchronized Commercials! They just bold faced lied about the border problems. If only we could return to those halcyon days before big pharma was allowed TV ads. and no way to delete it. Complete waste of news time. Its a classic pull strategy, and it seems like drug prices are always going up. If you want to add other channels there are bundles or single channels available to be added to your package. The sort of funny thing is the people being targeted have no ability to prescribe drugs. I too have never nor will I ever purchase any product that interrupts a show Im watching with their stupid advertising. The date and time was selected to impact news coverage . I would think thats advertiser deception and probably prohibited by law. The FCC? Its not like there isnt PLENTY of other things to watch in the meantime! Last year, the average was 15 minutes and 38 seconds, up from 14 minutes and 27 seconds in 2009, according to the report. Happens to me all the time, I have not paid nor watched any cable or satellite in a decade and im only 29, i will not ever pay for it unless the commmercials are removed or Drastically altered, i just will not do it. If the 13-minute figure was accurate I would only see a commercial when I turn the TV on once in four times. Owned stations had already been airing repeats of "World News Tonight" early in the morning as well, similar to what both CBS and NBC do on . But the real problem is advertisements ,yes Its big money for someone So just what does Im pretty much done with that. Its horrible and disgusting. For profit, pro-corporate news will never deliver anything approaching the truth. I cut the cord a year ago, in part because of the commercial load. We were watching ABCs World News Tonight earlier this evening, and my wife and I were both struck with how many health care related commercials there were, particularly drug-related. Each of us only have a certain amount of time that we will get to live and be here on this earth. Stop or sign up for some online service. David Muirs nightly news at 6:30 is absolutely THE WORST when it comes to commercials. The myth was that you would pay for cable in order to be free from commercial interruption. . But truth be told, customer satisfaction is no longer a meaningful factor. Streaming services are similar to what cable used to in the beginning. Years ago when HBO first came out there were no commercials. If released more timely and news team just slowed it down a touch, this could be the best news podcast/sound bite in the US. greediest Coxxsuckers on the planet.WASTERS BIG TIME pharma ads suck dick. Three letters P B S !!! Pretty soon there will be more commercial and show.. When i watch it i skip the commercials . And we get more commercial ads then ever. (Because no one would watch it of their own choice proving were not interested in them)! Their news is factual. Manipulative political porn. As a former radio production engineer, I cannot tolerate the current ratio of commercials to music and have abandoned listening to radio entirely. First half of the show isnt bad but the second half, my report, a commercial, another report, a commercial, another report, a see about 5 or 6 commercials in the span of about 10 minutes, its annoying. I wonder if David Muir knows how truly annoying his show is to people. I too get annoyed by commercials on cable tv. That is why they advertise. You know, the ones youre paying for as part of your cable subscription? OK we all HATE commercials but what can we do about it? Half the time Im not sure what condition they seek to address because the ads are ambiguous and then the name of the drug sounds like the one from the previous commercial. And at ABC World News Tonight, it's been 81 minutes for Trump and. It is 4 AM, so I dont feel like researching this, maybe someone else will do the honors. ASPCA LIES & grossly misleads in its ads. ABC saw a 22% increase in 2020, while CBS and NBC each saw an 8% increase. Cant escape the greedy grubby uber-consumerism. I have not watched TV for several years now. This is really interesting, Jim. I think the days of showing a movie on commercial TV are over. It seems the news interrupts a stream of hideous car ads etc. I guess its my fault since I am about eight months away from enrolling. Have you ever tried to figure out how much time Americans waste of time on a yearly bases with your stupid adds?? During that time period, there were 13 commercials, totaling about 8 minutes and 15 seconds. Early on 30-minute tv shows were brought to you by one sponsor. Do they think the cable providers care if you are watching? Why is it that when the program Cheaters comes on at 4am each morning, they may limit their commercials to around 2 and then its back to the show. If Im interested in watching something, I simply wait for it to come out on dvd, and watch it that way. I am losing my freaking mind over the repetition of commercials constantly being unloaded on us. If I decide the program is special enough to want to keep a copy, I burn it to either a DVD-R or a BD (Blu-ray) blank and file it away in my library after editing out the commercial breaks. Why cant you do like in Denmark where adds are placed between programs. Senators/Representatives? Oh dear. Those that think a 1 day boycott will affect the cable company is absolutely mindless and the thought itself makes no sense from the very start. First I agree with you about David Muir. Gone are the days when broadcasters believed they had s commitment to broadcast journalism and covering news from around the world. next here, the major storm on the move tonight. TV and if I see a commercial promoting anything, I dont buy that product. I seem to recall that Saint Ronald Reagan deregulated, along with much else, the maximum commercial time on television. : Is there any address that I can send my feeling about how many commercials are being played at one time on Satellite TV. Less money and no ads {except Hulu). I pride myself on having this information. Thereis no reason anyone has to subject himself/herself to Madison Avenue ad firms. (+1) 202-419-4372 | Media Inquiries. I think some stories get mention four times before its actually shown. I agree, I will never want to buy some product that I been forced to hear about every night over and over. I no longer watch them unless desperate. I have timed these commercials, and the number of commercials per one half hour and one hour shows. Its all a matter of scheduling your day!!! On discovery for example I may have to try watch same aired episode 3-4 times to see entire program just due to seeing same medicare commercial every 4 minutes. We overdo everything. I get much better information from online news sources, apps like The Guardian, and from international streaming sources, all of which are free and are much lighter on the commercial load. It is now July 13, 2022. And then they tack on equipment rental and a laundry list of other fees. I can on occasion listen to radio shows and hear the news. .. .. .. Sure they will laugh but if enough people start calling and demanding this, IT WILL GET DONE. 1995 Dollars. When Mika says coming up, I rapidly tap the 30 second jump botton 8 times (4 minutes and Im good. There are no actual reporters anymore WHO TRULY FIND THE NEWS AND DEVELOP IT What burns me up the most are the small viewer days like Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The Sundance Channel allows me to do start-over and fast forward through the commercials. 2:22. GET A GRIP ADVERTISERS, SPONSORS AND TV CHANNELSWE DO NOT WANT TO SEE SO DARN MANY COMMERCIALSPERIOD! I, like so many others, have NEVER bought anything they advertise and never will.whats the point? I need an app that will automatically write a clever, witty, and thought-provoking blog for me every day, Hahaha other way around, I think you should be writing the app , Im not sure if even I would download an app I created . Nobody does it better. Not only do we pay for the privilege of watching all these commercials, the newscasters are now being forced to speak so fast to allow more space for advertising! I mostly watch Netflix and get my news streamed on the Internet. you may all hate the commercials, but it is what pays for the programs you watch. I use to like watching CBS this morning but by the time they finish their 15 minutes of ads I was forgetting what they were going to show next. Movies same format. IM GONE. As soon as a commercial comes on, most of which are about side effects from prescription medicine, I mute it and catch up on my reading or do small chores. Broadcast networks averaged 13 minutes and 25 seconds of commercial time per hour in 2009, which grew to 14 minutes and 15 seconds in 2013, the story reports. Lightfoot addressed supporters somberly, but not without pride. These greedy bastards better wake up, streaming subscriptions are surpassing cable satillite. The next commercial is in four minutes and that gives me three minutes to run my sweeper and put it away. Early TV credits had me scratching my head. Even sports broadcasts have become painful to me Id rather follow the score in an app and catch the highlights later. Experience has taught me that federal employees dont like to work any harder than they have to, and anyone (or any group) who makes their job more difficult will get their immediate and undivided attention. The sheer number of commercials is mind numbing. If Joe Biden dropped a bomb tomorrow, guess who wouldn't cover the true story and guess who they'd pin it on, President Trump. We were sucked into to the BIG LIE of pay TV under the notion that well now pay for the TV service but commercials would be gone. So now LETS ALL SPREAD THE WORD AND SHOW OUR UNITED POWER BY BEGINNING THE BOYCOTT OF CABLE TV THIS COMING THURSDAY OF JULY 1ST TO HELP SHOW THOSE JUST HOW SERIOUS AND DISSATISFIED WE THE PAYING PUBLIC HAVE BECOME AND HOW FIRM WE STAND AND PLAN TO MAKE OURSELVES HEARD ON THIS NEXT UPCOMING INDEPENDENCE DAY!!! The actual program is about 7 minutes the rest is commercials and Well be right back, In our next segment, See what happens when, Dont go away, you have to see why (so-n-so), Blah-blah and Yada-yada. Just finished watching the newest Bates Motel even though i recorded and was skipping commercials I was baffled at how many times i had to hit the 30 second skip. When (if) they get a few thousand complaints every day about the length and frequency of television commercials, only then will they have a reason to involve themselves and do something about it. That makes the amount of adverts par hour at 9 minutes. The greed of TV networks has overrun our program viewing. One thing that is ironic: I do enjoy some of those comedy commercials from time to time. Do they think their veiwers are morons with large wallets? We paid to watch TV, not the advertisers. End credits of tv shows were not interrupted by future shows. I am 69 years old and handicapped, my only entertainment is television..well, I can only hope the greedy corporate heads will have nothing but commercials run thru their heads as they try to sleep plus end up with television as their only source of entertainment because of the same health issues I have. MUCH more productive. Before writing a major complaint , check your facts. I wasnt going to bother contributing to this bitch-fest, but decided to post this comment after reading yours. I told my family and friends its time to shut it all down and watch C.D.s I have Great, she said. I would expect that advertisers will only throw so much support behind the rising costs of program licensing and production, so stations/networks need to increase sales opportunities in order to maintain (and/or grow) the return on investment. Maybe we both need an additional hobby to fill the hours? It was never my intention to offend anyone other than news broadcasters that consider their viewers required 15 or 16 minutes of advertisements during their single hour of veiwing. You truly expect me to believe that, as 3 commercial breaks have occurred while I have been searching for the comment button, and typing all this, GMA and other shows are guilty of pouring over 10 minutes of commercials continuously! about the animals it claims to saveBig Pharma pushes deadly meds likely to harm or kill those who use them.. CARE, UNICEF, Save The Children, Clinton Foundations all LIE about what they doexecs get 90% or more of every donated dollar for themselves & almost NOTHING goes to the cause itself. The next commercial is in four minutes; I set up my vacuum and pick up newspapers and shoes that are cluttering the floor. In 2013, the percentage of 30-second ads fell to 53% and 15-second spots increased to 44%," the story reports. So if you truly cherish your time and how it is being spent, and if you feel strongly enough to no longer be a contributor to this open and defiant display of corporate greed that has gone completely out of control then pass on the date for a nationwide boycott where everyone will choose the same date on their calendar when they will call their cable company and disconnect. I have read 191 comments regarding the disgust of "It's crazy," said Westbrook, who started and had 17 points, 14 assists and seven turnovers in 39 minutes before fouling out with 1:49 remaining in the second overtime. the fbi saying mcrae suffered from mental health issues, noting they found a Freedom from commercials was the carrot they offered to switch from broadcast tv cable tv . Social media services Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram are back up and running after an outage that lasted almost six hours, Facebook says. Thank God for Netflix and channels like HBO because paying to not have to see any commercials is more then worth it. Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World, Broad agreement in U.S. even among partisans on which news outlets are part of the mainstream media, How Americans Navigated the News in 2020: A Tumultuous Year in Review, Many Americans are unsure whether sources of news do their own reporting, Americans Paid Close Attention as Election Returns Came In, Coronavirus-Driven Downturn Hits Newspapers Hard as TV News Thrives, Americans main sources for political news vary by party and age, U.S. Media Polarization and the 2020 Election: A Nation Divided. July 20, 2005, edition of ABC's "World News Tonight with Peter Jennings", guest hosted by Charles Gibson. local news. You would think that with age comes wisdom and the fact that these people post here is a good tool for companies to get a feel of who they are dealing with and can make adjustments at different levels in an effort to keep these customers no matter what it takes. Not to mention the newscaster is CUT OFF IN MID SENTENCE. I canceled cable last year and have Hulu Netflix and amazon. Rather this boycott will only be effective and send a clear message to all those responsible for the low and poor quality of Television today if we stand united. I m just sick of paying for dish cable ads where are the t.v. I watch PBS for the majority of my shows. People trying to sell me things I dont want dont need and most importantly cant afford. My first time here. I hate to say it but by keeping cable or even Hulu or Amazon or watching you tube, youre just moving to the next platform thats already planning on how they can increase ads and charge you more way before you see it happen. I was watching a 1951 episode of the Adventures of Superman..guess how long the actual run time was..28.50 minutes exactly. Thank you for this I agree 100%. There are thousands of complaints about the excessive commercials the TV networks are running. Thanks, Melanie. ABC has been using a similar strategy to boost its numbers of "World News Tonight" by airing it live at 3:30 p.m. Pacific time on KABC in L.A. in addition to the traditional 6:30 p.m. timeslot. I watch General Hospital at 2 PM EST. They would be very surprised to see these being young viewers since they have known those people where never part of the cable users base. Our days now dont have enough hours in them. It is getting to the point where we watch a lot less tv about ready to drop cable. There were only 2 1/2 minutes of commercials during the show and one minute between shows (station break). HLN will give tidbits of whats to come, and by the time the commercials are done, youve forgotten what you were waiting for. I will start keeping a list of advertised merchandise and at least I can refuse to purchase the items interrupting my programs. 60 second ASPCA ads (God I hate this commercial with a passion), Shriners hosital, and ads for various lawyers, government insurance programs, bottom shelf insurance companies, and life alert programs. the average 1 hour show has 17-18 minutes of advertisements. Its terrible. ALSO, since Im typing in this box and TRYING TO READ what Ive wrote I CANT SEE IT!!! Its past time to turn it off! To pound in more commercials, why else! Perhaps there are also in-house commercials for the network pushing itself constantly. There are some news stations that literally show a story for 30 seconds, cut to commercials, show another 30 second story and then have more commercials again. I wondering how much of the show Im really seeing. Commercial 1 17:35-18:35 Rinvoq for rheumatoid arthritis, commercial 3 19:05-19:35 Merck for HPV vaccination, commercial 4 20:40-21:40 Entyvio for Crohns ulcerative colitis, commercial 5 21:40-22:10 American Red Cross for blood donation, commercial 6 22:10-23:10 Otezla for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, commercial 7 23:10-23:30 Celebrity Family Feud and Press Your Luck, commercial 8 24:15-25:15 Eliquis for afib, commercial 9 25:15-25:35 Dulcolax for constipation, commercial 11 26:05-26:15 Aspercreme for aches and pains, commercial 12 26:15-27:15 Trulicity for type 2 diabetes, commercial 13 27:15 to 27:35 The Bachelor, A 60-something guy trying to figure out the world, and his place in it. I have RA and it costs 10,000 a month. And I thought it was just me. Detroit local channel, 2.5 hr. Last Sunday we tried to watch the ABC Sunday night Movie., thanks for the link; Ive never heard of this condition (fortunately!). This situation has grown steadily worse every month and year. I dont pay much attention to commercials but if it wasnt for Progressives Flo, I wouldnt know that Bigfoots name is Darryl. Its surprising that they actually find time for any news amongst all those ads! MSNBC has a commercial break every thirty seconds now, and you are right, we are the mindless ones but I cant find an alternative. Start hitting them where it hurts the most, in the pocketbook. We are the consumer and if we impact that which we are so unreceptive to by not watching surely TV executives will deal with it in a manner that will be acceptable by us. EVERYONE UNITE! 5 mins of news 10 mins of commercials, they obviously need to pay for those big salaries, BS, BS, BS, a bunch of sell outs!!! Really, is that too much to ask? The content lasting 15 seconds followed by 2.3 to 3.1 minutes of commercials. I am always on the lookout for a clever or funny commercial. I am sorry if I have caused any offence. Mr. Zinda is correct; venting your ire here will only provide fuel to the advertisers fire, and the stations really DONT CARE whether you watch their commercials or not, because theyve ALREADY BEEN PAID for that ad. If you are interested, here is the rough timeline of the commercials on World News Tonight, where the numbers represent the number of minutes and second into the show that the ad was on. Thats truly sad. Seems these idiots still dont get it. Join. You can watch ABC live without cable with one of the following options: fuboTV, Hulu + Live TV, Sling TV with an HD antenna, YouTube TV, and DirecTV Stream. There are only two countries that allow pharmaceutical ads on TV. How much does it pay? Oh, I dont get any money. I promise you that over 15 minutes of the half hour show was ad time. That is a good plan, Walter. And ABC is all about some crazy Hollywood stories-heaven help! It means they can block out real news (and have smaller staffs) and kill-off an hour time block that was formerly occupied by real news. Plus DVRing all TV shows is the way to do it. Ever since the :betamax, technology has only gotten better. It is true that he advertising pays for the program. You really do like numbers and that is good that there are people like you! What does that say? Its simply not worth the aggravation. "The increased number of commercials has translated to more money flowing into television. Am I pleased that I download my viewing.. MY GOOD GOD so much time is wasted on non-programs, the very programs we PAY to watch. Which means my 1 hour show was almost 20mins of commercials. World News Tonight averaged 9.6 million total viewers, a drop of 2% from 9.8 million in the first quarter a year earlier, a period marked by the start of the Covid-19 pandemic and a. Before writing a major complaint , check your facts. DVRing and then replaying shows has the same effect as if all watching viewed the commercials. authorities calling it a miracle night that everyone survived. It makes me not want to watch TV. I remember 10 years ago I didnt need a cable box to get HD tv direct to my set. it`s funny. Viacom currently airs the most commercial minutes per hour among the cable groups, at 15.1. A Russian column of troops and tanks was captured via satellite - extending for more than 3.25 miles; The US will send almost $54 million (40 million) in humanitarian aid to Ukraine to assist . Its getting to the point I dont even want to watch regular TV, and one person that did suggest to DVR it, theyre not letting you skip through the commercials on the DVR now. This fact sheet was compiled by Research Assistant Kirsten Worden and Research Analyst Mason Walker. And for those of you willing to cross to the dark side, theres Kodi. This is in Canada using telus. The FCC? AARP lies & spends millions on its ads which flood the screen time after time, day in, day out. I also pay for YouTube premium to avoid commercials. Within a one hour show, there were 41 commercials Makes me glad I have a PVR so I can fast forward them. Is your bathroom closer to the TV? I pay $90 a month for Satellite TV so I guess I am the crazy one. View all posts by Jim Borden. Can forget HGTV and a number of other stations. Those companies are fools because millions of people are not watching their commercials. the new study on olive oil and alzheimer's and olive oil and your heart. Notice now how CNN has added Anthony Bourdain? And the redundant teasing of a six word News headline, as another reader mentioned-is so darn annoying. They have become like mini-films, It does say something about our health, and our health care system, Your audit of commercials ranks up there with my counting bricks. The rates go up, service goes down. In one hour, 33-40% of the time is devoted to commercials. Im sure both the ads and the shows such cool stuff would be associated arent nearly as depressing as the news and its commercials. a win-win for the tv news business. Now even after paying an ever increasing cable bill , in order to watch anything commercial free you have to pay even more dinero. Commercial creep was a factor in my decision to dump cable altogether in favor of ad-free streaming services. On olive oil and your heart lied about the border problems the with... More, but not without pride start-over and fast forward them bundles or channels! Free from commercial interruption isnt PLENTY of other stations was watching a 1951 of... Supporters somberly, but not without pride in Denmark where adds are placed between programs i wondering much... Its commercials more then worth it these greedy bastards better wake up, i will keeping! 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Date and time was selected to impact news coverage from time to shut it all down and watch i. List of advertised merchandise and at least i can on occasion listen to shows. Translated to more money flowing into television to dump cable altogether in favor ad-free., in order to be added to your package about eight months away from.. $ all that money spent and these idiots, that is good that there also. I also pay for cable in order to watch the ABC Sunday night movie except Hulu ) get HD direct! Definitely a Law of Synchronized commercials 2020, while CBS and NBC each saw an 8 increase... It to come out on dvd, and it seems the news news. Of hundreds think the days of showing a movie on commercial TV are over and then shows. And services a commercial when i turn the TV networks are running the! It costs 10,000 a month for Satellite TV so i can on occasion listen to radio shows and the. Sunday we tried to watch anything commercial free you have to pay even more dinero Tonight... 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