187-214). Many of us have little or no money; those who have money, spend it all trying to fight their own battles before realizing that this is a world-wide epidemic. I am going through this same thing right now. And now their psychological evaluator has wrote a really bad report on me (it wouldve only been worse if she accused be of being Jeffery Dahmer!) I am in the thick of it right now, where are you now with your case a year later? It was always so painful for me. they removed them and put in foster care?i had to call my kids and in less then hr prepare them what was to happen. I believe all parental authority over the child totally ends at age 1`8, It can in some circumstances be younger, if the child petitions the court to be emancipated!! I agree that the best source of help is God and Jesus heals broken hearts. I have no pets and no diapers or food is ever left on my floor. I think there were a few others, but I cannot remember. My heart is aching so badly I dont know what to do. i immediately went from there to treatment. Im not a dietitian and I think you might not like my food choices (all vegetarian) but I know that avoiding things like sugary sodas and drinking vegetable juice instead is a good step toward better health. Anything worth having is worth fighting for and my children are my everything. I adopted a baby gorilla for my daughter. Is there anything I can do to avoid turning my son in? They can help. Neglecting to answer questions or answering questions in a roundabout way may lead a child to make up stories and even blame themselves for the death or loss. Take His hand, he can lead you out of that fog and to the well of Water that is Everlasting. My husband and i have been fighting to get our beautiful daughter back for over two years. Let them be honest. I had no choice, I felt it was the best for them. Divorce Poem Losing Custody Of Child Poem A parent who loses custody of his child lets the child know that they are not forgotten and that he looks forward to the day they will be reunited. Our divorce and child custody lawyers help men and women get the information, guidance, and compassionate representation they need. She brought another worker with her to get our grandson who was nice but we were hysterical. Eventually the truth will come out and everyone will know it. Hi,my name is tammy, my kids was taken from me, when I was treated myself depression, I left my kids with my mother an cps came in an took my kids away cus cps saying I have mental illness an I dont, I talk to doctors an counselor, I told them I live on my owned apartment two bedroom an everything is new in home, cps never once out of the Whole year check my places to say I was stable, cps work against me an lie about me, that im on drugs, cps check me for drugs I came out clean,on june 4th I came out dirty once for opiate I have prescription for vicodin for my illness in my vaginal infection,cps say I have addiction an I dont they send to some programs at last min before my service was terminated, on Sept,19,2013, now cps is trying to Terminate my perinatal rights on March 28,2014 in the mean I did came up pregnant just had a boy inon December 9th 2013, how ever cps gave Temporary Custody to the baby father hes illegal, he has no paper he live in basement with my baby, he dose drugs marijuana, he works, an everything, cps gave my baby to baby father nolvin his name, he begged me to Help him with my baby kuz he didnot know what to do, baby father live in Pittsburgh, me I live in Modesto baby father pay for my Ticket send threw western union every weekend, I show the baby father how to parents are baby, but tbaby father wouldnt listen to me, all he wanna do is drink beer get drunk an high, now mine U of cps feel that father no need in service but Only the mother wich they provide me service an not the father,father says he needed my Help cus he told me he cant stand the baby cry,cus my baby keep crying alot,this month feb,25 [emailprotected] is court hearing,if you any concerns contact me (925)23eight-5nine32 my name tammy thank you. It is vital that you take care of yourself. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18. Even now one of those daughters refuses to have anything to do with me. Also, a story in the Bible similar to my story (I gave my child up for adoption her safety) is the story of Jochebed and Moses and Miriam. Usually, divorce cases tend to drag on and often cause a lot of emotional distress and stress on the people involved. Have episodes of aggression or self-harm. I need luck. I know what it is like to feel hopeless what it is like to be spiritually dead, to have a clean mind and not know how to react to life. Its all Ive ever known. I know how hopeless it seems, but dont let them win. Get back to me when you can. Abandonment by children hurts so much (I know) they dont know how much we love them. .. so here i stand barely alive, barely breathing broken hearted all beat up bruised scared bitter old tired and may i mention so dangerously misunderstood. May God Bless You for reaching out to the broken hearts bring hope to all! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. One thing I always did was took full responsibility for my own actions. mind you this happened a month and 10 days after my oldest was ripped away from me. Me, you and all the Mothers and Fathers on here are ALL in that same dark place with you! Pls go to my website and click on SIGN THE PETITION. He will always be 11 to me. my email is: byt777-at-cs.com, and my name is Brandi!! I have read the last chapter. God removes them not in a bad way but if he knows were not doing the right thing for ourselves or our children he will intervene. The only thing I have ever wanted. I just dont know I feel like giving up but I know how it feels being a foster child my self. I only see them for two hours a week. Please help!!!! He had my two older daughters and did everything in his power to destroy my relationships with them and keep them from me for about ten years. Stop crying and live your life with purpose and give them a MOTHER to call the day they turn 18! I explained to her the law ceyong trying to ise the few minutes she waa on the phone with me telling her I miss her so much and that I am trying so hard but no one is listening. I hope this helps you. The depression and other mental health conditions you might be experiencing right now is something that many parents, in a similar situation such as yours, have faced. Despair hang on you will be made stronger by the grief you live through. Depression is normal for anyone going through CPS hell. We have also briefly discussed what you can do to cope with depression. You can STILL do things for them, get a chest for each one and fill it with things they love, have stars named after them, etc. If they terminate our rights, then I am going to fight the system that much harder. Jesus is the Way. Im thankful I found this site. Let me fast forward Ive been on a downward spiral since this case was opened. Jacob was not being punished when Joseph was sold into slavery, but God was working a better plan for everyone. Camcorders are good, too. One day your children are going to grow up and have kids of their own! They called me and I went to pick my precious grandchild up. So God could give and he could easily take. This is usually due to the circumstances of the loss of someone. Some of the common mental health issues that you could be facing includes: Anger: Its common for people to feel angry and irritable when custody arrangements do not rule according to their favor. I miss them so much i cant give up i did for a minute i did self destruct to almost death. Well much to my horror CPS stepped in and turned everything around on me and destroyed my family. Roxanna, I feel your pain. Why would my depression affect child custody under Texas law? My daughters story is not going to be one that allows her to be felt sorry for or that gives her an excuse to not reach her full potential. Kovalesky, A. I am now his legal guardian! I take SAMe, it is a natural antidepressant. Facing the death of a child may be the hardest thing a parent ever has to do. I havent had my parental rights terminated but i dont know if they do if Ill be able to live with knowing I might never see my kids again. Whatever you think of them, LGBT community did just that. Its a test god is placing these children in adoption parents arms they are not allowed to steal the child because somebody in authority takes it back off them for being cheeky and greedy, I feel the same my family was ripped apart it hurts so bad to dream of your kids and wake up and u cant touch them. It was heartbreaking for me. I am trying to move on but cant I mean these are my kids. End of Life Mourning the Death of a Spouse When your spouse dies, your world changes. Long story short I have been the only constant in my grandchilds life. I think of my kids everyday. Lots of feelings and stories which lets me know I am not the only one but is there a case or grpup to fight here in arizona. Lord knows I need a support system and Lord knows Im willing to support others going through this nightmare. How can you show that? Seek out lawyers and social workers that do pro bono work if money is an issue but the intent here is to be legally aware and empowered so that you can make choices that help both you and your child. Hello Ashley, After over a year of my a busive ex had an order of protection for a year but had the money to file a motion almost every week with crazy lies, snazzy attorney while no child support being temporarily ordered while I took care of all their needs. I LOVE U KIDS!! I am fighting cps it has been about a year and a half.I feel they use my now ex husband against me.cps is wrongfully handling things wrong I have done all classes required and have a job car and home.hopefully the judge turns her head and sees that I deserve them back two of my children are tribal members and they have been turned against me to the fullest extent.all I want is them back somebody hear me out I have been diagnosed with ptsd which is a sign of depression.all who are going through this torture never give up.Lord hear our prayers my family also gets nothing out of this.cps is prejudiced and they use bias never believe anything they say.with love to all Andrea. Whether youve been diagnosed, are undergoing treatment, or youre simply struggling with symptoms, there are implications for your life personally and professionally. My case worker is not flexible for team meetings. But feel like I am getting nowhere. This is usually due to the circumstances of the loss of someone. Offer sincere condolence. I do not know what route to take as I was told by an attorney if I try to go up the chain of command that it could possibly back fire on me and upset the workers. ??? With no hope of ever having a life. Of course, if the diagnosis reveals a dangerous form of depression, its probably in the best interests of the child for the other parent to have full custody. Do you know him personally? Ayla, you can ask for a better visitation agreement through family court. flashbacks, anxiety, or other symptoms of PTSD. I can honestly my family didnt deserve this. Ill never forget Brandy who told a group of us, back in 2001, that she was too depressed and was thinking suicidal thoughts. They have been ahold of me my entire life. I pray everyday that she will have a change of heart and that she will agree to let us see each other or at least talk to each other. CPS offered me no assistance whatsoever-no counseling, no guidelines of what to do to fix things. The cps took my samantha 23 years ago and I suffer in silence and continually ask God why. Most cases resolve much faster. Please write to me, I also feel so alone in all this , I have no one to talk to about it and nobody understands why i am always so sad!! I feel your emptiness, despair, and desire to move on. They treat me as if I hurt my babies. then go pass letter, mail them, make a website, build a chest and put stuff in it for them, do it online or in real life, make it a point to see where they shop, dont stalk them, but make it a point to be around them. IM ALL ALONE.I have been battling depression and such most of my life but since this it has gone up like 100 levels. Depression is a serious medical condition that can have a huge impact on how you think, act, and feel. They told me he was not to be left alone with my kids so I made sure he wasnt ever left alone with them. A 4 year old, a 2 year old, and a 3 month old. The person should have time to cry, to mourn as much as it will be necessary. He was taken when he was eleven months old. Subject to the childs best interests standard, you have every right to custody and visitation. She is my youngest of four daughters her sisters are distraught, I have to put up a front but Im dying with pain. Just love that one child if it is the only one you can have in your home right now. We do yell but rarely. I have been in and out of hospitals for suicidal ideation. My health and my husbands health was questioned. If you try it, remember it can cause sensitivity to light. Help Im starting to feel hopeless again. But I only had one and had to give her for adoption. I finished my masters degree & have a good job now. I havent seen my kids in 5 yrs now. God isnt going to rescue you, he sent his son Jesus Christ, and He was perfect in every way, and they still killed him for no sin, no crime, only stating truth. Recently, you may have read news stories about more and more spouses citing an exs depression in child custody cases. The only reason I am still alive is because my daughter is never going to have to tell people that she got adopted because her mom was a heroin addict. Wouldnt they want you to be doing something to make your life better, like more education so you could get a better job? Go to a mental health place and tell them you have anxiety from your kids being taken and beg for their help dont stop till they help they cant refuse you. A few things you can do for yourself include: It is estimated that once a parent has lost custody, it can take the better part of two years to regain custody, sometimes even more depending on context and issues surrounding the separation. This helps with depression. People need to stick together and expose this corruption. I had no legal way to sign for him to be treated. I FEEL LIKE THEY SEEN HOW SHE WAS ATTATCHED TO ME AND TOOK HER . increased depression (or if you have a history of depression). I know that lost feeling so very well. My kids were born healthy cps was listening to the lie of my X In-Laws. I feel worthless and powerless and always the bad guy. Sometimes parents are not sure if their child is depressed. God gives each of us on this earth a free will. Working with a therapist that is informed with the unique issues of grief and loss that comes with divorce and custody battles can be a good place to start. Thank you! (vitamin section) It works for me really well. 2023 Law Offices of Molly B. Kenny, All Rights Reserved, Reproduced with Permission, Our Free Book Offers Criteria to Help You Choose a Lawyer Thats Right for You, Free Download: 9 Urban Myths About Divorce That Can Hurt You, "Molly and her staff supported me completely through a drawn out divorce. I sang back-up in a band doing punk and glam songs. 3.) Due to diabetes. Im so sorry. Now, I dont even know why I believed in anything. At least you know where they are. I am praying for God to give you peace that this world cannot know. They like to terminate parental rights and adopt the children out. After doing everything in my power as well as spending every penny of my 2.2 million dollar fortune trying to save my 2 very loved babies I still failed them. Then they will want to see you and want you to be in their life! Should being the operative word of course. In fact the stress and grief of the separation and loss of custody is related to an increased risk of alcohol abuse. Got me going again. He knows your pain and most of all, He knows your heart. 1 hour! Your family and friends need to know that despite your intense pain, youre going to get through this. My parental rights are still attached, but all custody have been relinquished to kinship.if my daughter needs an in house hospital visit I am not allowed to be present without court authorization. After i was given the papers by the police officer that stated i was to give my child to her grandmother who is a drunk and a drug dealer. I am so glad i am alive! You might believe you don't measure up to other people in terms of looks, age, or weight. I was shocked that children were taken from the non-abusive parent. This sounds like they lied to be able to adopt your children out maybe to the foster parents. I hope your children are returned to you soon. There are many issues surrounding divorce and separation that can impact you and your child to great extents. My own mother said i could never ever see my son again. I was un fit to care for my children. Im so tired of people asking why arent you ever happy. Trust me I know. These classes can also help you take better care of yourself through the loss. I am loosing it and I dont know what to do my heart is broken. Nothing I could have said would have made any difference if He did not soften their heart. We have to have something to hold on to. This is my horrifying life right now, you wrote this last year, what happened? I can see you have tons of info and have been kind to dedicate to showing the info you know. My husband & I did everything the court asked of me & still they took my kids. This is the perfect opportunity for you to tap into your creativity. Call Molly Kenny today for more information. We got a better Parent Aid. Do not be like those people who committed suicide. Im so sorry youre going through this. Ask your therapist about seeing a psychiatrist. I could never be mad with him or questioned him. No matter what. Cant say much now sorry plz get back to me. My parental rights wjll be terminated November 14th. Please pray for me and my babies as I will all of you. She admitted to the assault but stated she didnt mean to hurt me it was an accident. Maybe write letters to your children, and one day when you see them again, you can give them the letters (even if they are grown) You said you are lost in your feelings-write your feelings down! HANG IN THERE ALL OF YOU MOMMYSas long as my two feet touch the floor each day and im able to take that first deep breath of the day, i send love strength and hope on the wind for you. Most parents who lose custody of their children were NOT drug or alcohol abusers, or neglectful, or abusive in any way, shape or form of their children. Create . They came in and investigated my home was orderly, my children were healthy and clean, my ua came back negative. Thank you for this.. Denelle a word of hope for others going through the pain. THey took my newborn Rite aftEr I had her im LOST. God has a purpose for everything he allows. For those who are not born again, you can be. If there is no criminal activity, the children should not be removed. You have to find your place now. I take Abilify-It helps a lot by giving me gumption to beat do-nothingism. I hope your still alive and ok!! }, { With all due respect, you are labeling a four year old as if she is a monster and you should be ashamed of yourself. I cry for my girls day and night. She was a preachers daughter and I prayed for God to do what was best for my children and they were gone. At some point, you may even feel angry at your spouse for leaving you. They want me to go to rehab. I was in a hospital 5 times in a year and a half. My wisdom was already not up to par but I was working very hard at it. Jon Vaughn, Contributor. I realize that this is one of the most traumatic things that a mother can go through. I feel your pain when it comes to losing tour children and fighting dcs. Hopefully one day in my lifetime I will see this broken system crumble! It seemed to me that the children would be better served by putting the non-abusive spouse into a private, secret residence where the abuser couldnt find them. Has your court appointed attorney prepared for court? All our medications and issues were exposed- sinus problems, migraines and even allergies! I feel like Im going to have a nervous break down Im barely hanging on. I am hopeless. Im so depressed lost and confused at how CPS did things and just how much they get away withMy family and I was violated and our constitutional rights tossed in the garbage and there was nothing I could doI really need help in this battle..My kids are being harmed in the worse way possible emotionally and minimally by being taken from the only ones they know only by an allegation.never knew cussing could be domestic violence. The tide may be turning, but it may be too late for our family. All I ever wanted, too was to be a mother. Talk to your doctor about your depression. They thought me safe and good enough to care for as respite for over 2 years and now Im not good enough to even talk to. Shortly after news broke via The Sun on Tuesday . I can tell you two things about who you are-You are 1) A victim of Cps and 2) You are a Birth Mother. Jen, Im so so sorry to hear of your TPR I hope you will appeal. I asked them for help and they did before they opened a case on me and then CPS told them to stop talking to me. I encourage you to stay around for the long haul, and be the person you know your son will want to find when hes allowed to be near you again. I pray that you and your mother will get along well enough together that she will eventually loosen up and let you see your children, and even have them in your home for extended visits as they are growing up. Blanca, I dont know what will happen with your son but keep this in mind. I need to save my daughters but Im so lost I dont know what to do or who to turn to anymore. The Texas statute on Conservatorship, Possession, and Access covers many details regarding decisions on custody and visitation, but dont expect to see depression mentioned in the law. You are NOT alone! By. I am in alot of heartache and could really use sound advice. God gave me a promise in Jeremiah 31:15 17: This is what the Lord says: A cry is heard in Ramahdeep anguish and bitter weeping. It was my list of dates and times with my grandson that turned the judge around to me. This umbrella term covers depression, anxiety, addiction, borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder, and many other conditions. Prepare for that hearing and remember only the judge makes the final decision, not the social workers who are trying to frighten and weaken you, and beat you down. Call me at three six zero 480 five one one four. Any advice? Of course you feel lost! So did the guilt. Very loved, I pray every day that i could go back and change the mistakes I made. God is Good. I am no more discouraged than I was. It worked, we were so prepared, so knowledgeable of our rights, so ready to kick their butts and we won. There are reports from others that the children are not in complete agreement, Those reports are repressed even though our new Case Manager is the one bringing the truth to light. Don't take our word for it, read testimonials from our past clients to get an idea of how we can help your family get through this difficult time. If I could tell anyone a word of adviceDOCUMENT DOCUMENT DOCUMENT!!! How to Create an Obituary in 11 Steps They wouldnt let me leave and knew I would fail their expectations which I did and last month they took my two children from me. , too was to be able to adopt your children are going to fight the system much! Son in you ever happy my babies three six zero 480 five one one.. Take His hand, he knows your pain and most of my X.. Believed in anything hard at it am in the thick of it right now, where are you with. 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